Michael Johnson, International Piano / Facts & arts
"Her cadenzas and added ornamentation are so Bachian as to be easily mistaken as his, not hers."
"Ms. Hales' confident, mature recordings compare well with those by three other women, Angela Hewitt, Hélène Grimaud and Rosalyn Tureck, as well as those by men who have excelled in the same realm, Andras Schiff, Glenn Gould and Edwin Fischer, among others."
"The late Ms. Tureck (the “First Lady of Bach”), and perhaps the few other pianists who have had the confidence to improvise around Bach, would approve. She called embellishment of Bach’s piano music “a life study in itself”. No doubt true but Ms. Hales seems to have achieved, through her musicological interests, a depth of understanding remarkably early in her career."
Read the rest here.
Jean-Charles Hoffelé, Discophilia
(translated from the original French, available here)
"Under her fingers, Bach's keyboard comes alive with irresistible tenderness."
"Could this young American woman, well-versed in French and German Baroque keyboard music, be the new Rosalyn Tureck?"